Category Archives: Pretty Little Liars

From the Set: Raul talks PRETTY LITTLE LIARS with Janel Parrish

Here we are on the set of PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, ABC Family’s coming of age drama that deals with murder, mystery and mayhem. I took a few minutes and spent some time with the cast and got to know a little bit more about the secrets they are keeping. You must definitely be having a great time right now? Janel Parrish: Oh my gosh, so much fun! It’s definitely fun to play a crazy character. How much crazier do things

From the Set: Raul talks PRETTY LITTLE LIARS with Ian Harding

Here we are on the set of PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, ABC Family’s coming of age drama that deals with murder, mystery and mayhem. I took a few minutes and spent some time with the cast and got to know a little bit more about the secrets they are keeping. So now that A has been revealed, how did this affect your character? Ian Harding: How does it affect me? I think things have gotten seemingly easier for the time being.

From the Set: Raul talks PRETTY LITTLE LIARS with Troian Bellisario

Here we are on the set of PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, ABC Family’s coming of age drama that deals with murder, mystery and mayhem. I took a few minutes and spent some time with the cast and got to know a little bit more about the secrets they are keeping. What can you tell us about Black Swan? Troian Bellisario: The black swan in the finale was definitely leading the girls into mischief at the end of the season. It was

From the Set: Raul talks PRETTY LITTLE LIARS with Keegan Allen

Here we are on the set of PRETTY LITTLE LIARS, ABC Family’s coming of age drama that deals with murder, mystery and mayhem. I took a few minutes and spent some time with the cast and got to know a little bit more about the secrets they are keeping. How do you think the show is going to change now that A has been identified? Keegan Allen: I think it’s going to change in a lot of drastic ways. We

Courtney K previews the new season of PRETTY LITTLE LIARS with “A” look back

Ok fellow Obsessers: the big reveal we were waiting for!  [Spoiler Alert] Mona = A!! Did anyone else see that coming?? Well, sort of… During a conference call with Janel Parrish (Mona) the morning after the episode aired, Janel offered some insight. Was it difficult to transition from the sweet and self-centered Mona to the demented “A”? That was definitely the most challenging part and also the most fun part was transitioning from this bubbly character that I’ve played for

Courtney K continues to love / hate PRETTY LITTLE LIARS!

Oh I’m sorry, that noise? That was me shrieking with the joy of a small child who’s just been told they’ve inherited a chocolate factory. “…wh-why?” you ask? PRETTY LITTLE LIARS IS BACK!!! The Halloween episode was torture, TORTURE! Watching the prequel only made my love/hate of this unbelievable show become even more embedded. The realization that “A” has been around long before Alison’s murder only breeds more options for the elusive “A”s identity and opens up the door to

Courtney looks back on her Favorites from 2011

Courtney K is taking a look back on her favorites from 2011 – how do these stack up to yours? Favorite new obsession: DOCTOR WHO – where HAVE I been?? In a world with faded colors that’s where. Becoming a Doctor Who fan (or Whovian) has brought me a whole mess of new appreciations. Much like fans of Army of Darkness or Firefly, there’s hidden jokes in almost everything I watch or read that all point back to one Doctor

CourtneyK and Sasha Pieterse discuss the PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Halloween Special!

Don’t expect cartoon dogs or waiting in the pumpkin patch in this episode! This is a PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Halloween, kiddies! I was privileged enough to be able to interview the Evil Queen of Rosewood herself! (Interviewer’s note: normally I’d be open to, “Hear it for yourself!” but I talk really REALLY  fast and the app I used cut off some of the interview (*grumble grumble*) but thankfully it was partially recorded by my Superhero friend Gloria (THANKS GLO!) and

PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Finale Preview/MidSeason Review!

With the PRETTY LITTLE LIARS season drawing to a close tonight, and a marathon on the day-of beforehand, it seems like the right time to do a recap for this season with our Liars. Gather ‘round y’all, it’s time to line up the edges of this puzzle, piece by piece. Ian is definitely dead. Doornail called, said he’s one of them now. Creepy Cop Guy Garrett is romantically involved with Jenna the Blind; the two of them have some deep

My Take Too: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS S2 Premiere

My Take Too: PRETTY LITTLE LIARS Summer Premiere – They’re back, bitches! Oi oi!! The long wait for Liars is over! Episode 201: It’s Alive airs tonight at 8/7c on ABC Family; it meets all the requirements for a decent premiere episode. Recap, suspense, drama, sarcasm, half-naked people, and twists like a pretzel (the plotline, not the half-naked people). First question of the season: Is Ian dead or what?? Last time we saw him he was dangling by the neck

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