Category Archives: Leverage

Sam Anderson talks LEVERAGE and LOST

I recently had the chance to chat with the incomparable Sam Anderson, the character actor that you know from just about every TV show in the last 30 years.  He currently plays Bernard Nadler on LOST and is guest starring in an episode of LEVERAGE, airing tonight on TNT.  He plays a character who does some dastardly deeds, and ends up getting scammed by Nate and the team.  We spoke for over ten minutes, and he just seems like one of the

Must Watch Sunday: LEVERAGE

Be sure to tune into TNT’s latest dramatic offering tonight at 10 – LEVERAGE!  Starring Academy Award winner Timothy Hutton (who is so damn good in this show) and ANGEL’s Christian Kane, LEVERAGE is a high paced action adventure series with comedy and high stakes drama.  The official description from TNT is: In LEVERAGE, Hutton plays former insurance investigator Nate Ford, a once-loyal corporate employee who had recovered millions of dollars in stolen goods for his employer. But when that

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