Category Archives: Sons of Anarchy

My Take On….SONS OF ANARCHY Season 5 “Sovereign”

When we last left Charming at the end of SONS OF ANARCHY Season 4, there was a new President at the head of the table, with a new “First Lady” by his side.  Thanks to the demands of the Russian gun runners, Clay was kept alive; a lucky twist of fate from MACHETE’s Danny Trejo kept the Sons out of too much trouble with the FBI; and Juice, poor Juice, was left in jail, recovering from a failed suicide attempt

Blu-Ray Review: SONS OF ANARCHY Season 4

Now out on Blu-Ray/DVD is one of the most intense seasons of TV that I’ve ever season.  SONS OF ANARCHY Season 4, which follows SAMCRO as they fall apart from the inside out, and Jax takes his rightful seat at the head of the table. The show picks up more than  year after Season 3 ended, with the gang finishing out their prison sentences, about to come home.  A new sheriff in town causes trouble for them almost instantly, and

Giveaway: Win Season 4 of SONS OF ANARCHY on Blu-Ray!!

In Sons of Anarchy’s fourth season, the SAMCRO gang gets involved in a dangerous and ruthless Mexican drug cartel led by Romeo Parada, played by Machete star Danny Trejo. This isn’t the first popular television show that has gotten mixed up in the underground world of drug trafficking, so here, we’ll take a look at other favorite shows who fight cartels and work to get the perfect product. Ride full-throttle with the Sons of Anarchy into the most intense, adrenaline-charged

My Take On…the SONS OF ANARCHY S4 Premiere

(The following review will cover mild spoilers from the premiere; don’t read if you want to stay completely unaware until you watch.) A lot has changed in Charming since the SONS OF ANARCHY premiere three years ago. The SONS have gone to Hell and back, Ireland and back, and in the season 4 premiere, Rockford prison and back. Having spent the better part of two years in federal prison after a deal they struck in the S3 finale, the boys

Giveaway: Win Season 3 of SONS OF ANARCHY on DVD!

FX’S HIGHEST-RATED SERIES EVER! SEASON THREE of SONS OF ANARCHY Rides Onto Blu-ray And DVD August 30th Starring Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman and 2011 Golden Globe® Award-winner Katey Sagal, “Sons of Anarchy” Season Three is FX’s adrenalized drama about a notorious outlaw motorcycle club intent on protecting Charming, their small Northern California town, against encroaching drug dealers, corporate developers and overzealous law officers. Hunnam stars as Jackson ‘Jax’ Teller, a man whose love for the brotherhood is tested by his

Paula Malcomson talks SONS OF ANARCHY

Tonight, another all new and incredible episode of SONS OF ANARCHY airs tonight on FX, and in support of a larger presence for Mama-Graystone as Maureen Ashby (the lovely Paula Malcomson), I wanted to share the interview that our pal Melody did with Paula at the red carpet premiere for SONS OF ANARCHY’s Season 3! What do you think?  Will you be watching tonight?

SONS OF ANARCHY S3 Premieres Tonight!

It feels like it’s been a decade since the SONS OF ANARCHY season 2 finale left me crying in my iced tea over the kidnapping of baby Abel, Gemma’s sprint for the Charming border, and the cruel stabbing of Half Sack at the hands of baby-napper Cameron, after Cameron falls victim to the trap set by that horrid bitch-of-an-FBI-agent Stahl (she convinced Cam via police radio that Gemma had killed Edmond, his son, so he set out to exact revenge). 

Question of the Day: Did you get your SONS OF ANARCHY S2 DVD yet?

Because if you haven’t, I’m not sure we can be friends any more.  If you have any chance of getting caught up on one of TV’s greatest dramas before the amazing season premiere next Tuesday, get yourself out to the store and pick it up.  I promise you that you will not be able to stop watching until the very last heartbreaking minute! Here’s a scene from the episode called “Culling” – it’s our Mama Bear Gemma, without telling her

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