CHUCK week – an update!


Time to check in with the leader of CHUCK week, Kath over at GMMR, who posted about CHUCK vs. The Network Pickup.  Join us over on GMMR for a live CHUCK chat tonight at 8PM Eastern!

If you’re looking to read more about the show we all love, check out a list of what our friends are doing to spread the word on CHUCK vs. The Network Pickup…Inside the Intersect.

Stay tuned all week for CHUCK related posts!  Keep this show alive!

  • Chuck is one of the most well written and entertaining shows on tv right now. It has action, drama, comedy, and romance packed into every hour. The cast is extremely likeable and you can tell they are enjoying what they are doing just as much as you enjoy watching them. Chuck is great! Let’s get a third season for Chuck!