Catching up with MATLOCK’s Nancy Stafford

Maybe you know Nancy Stafford from her Matlock days when she played Michelle Thomas from the second through sixth seasons.  Or maybe you know her from well-known projects like Superheroes Don’t Need Capes.  Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve seen her speak at a personal appearance.  Either way, you know that Stafford is a remarkable actress, producer, and writer with many credits to her name.

I recently had the marvelous privilege of speaking with her.  Here’s an excerpt from our conversation.

My Take on TV (MTOTV):  Nancy, while Superheroes Don’t Need Capes was released a few years back, its theme is always current.  Tell me a little about this project that you wrote and co-produced.

Nancy Stafford (NS):  That was a sweet, sweet movie that I did with my friend Greg Robbins.  It was his idea, and we both act in it.  Greg’s character and I are married, and we are raising our grandson, who has learning disabilities.  And we discover that he loves to run.  He’s so gifted at it, just a natural runner.  But, as with anyone who is ‘different,’ he encounters a lot of bullying.  Then, we learn that the young man who bullies him so mercilessly was bullied by his father.  When our grandson forgives this young boy, everything changes.  The boy softens and becomes who he always was inside, a nice boy who had covered his own pain with rage.  

MTOTV:  Tell me about your books Beauty by the Book and The Wonder of His Love.

NS:  The secret of the first book is its subtitle, ‘Seeing yourself as God sees you.’  Despite growing up in a fabulous family that kept telling me I was worthwhile and valuable, and despite a career that told me that I was successful and all was well, I did not think very highly of myself.  Finally, I said, ‘Lord, please, I can’t wrestle with this anymore.  I know that I am Yours.  I know You call me by name.  I know all these truths, but it has not yet made it fully into my heart.  Help me.’  Then I read Scripture after Scripture, and the words just flew off the page straight into my heart about who He says I am in Him.  God’s voice is telling us, ‘You’re My treasure.  You’re the apple of My eye.  I love you with an everlasting love.  I will never leave you.  I will never forsake you.’ 

So, the book came out of my own need.  God’s really used it to help change a lot of lives, and I’m so grateful. 

And later, my publisher called and asked me to do a devotional book.  At first, I said no, then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this was another book that I needed.  So, I did a 30-day devotional identifying 30 aspects of God’s love that we don’t always recognize as His love. 

MTOTV:  You also travel extensively for speaking engagements.  What are some of your topics?

NS:  Some of my topics are Embracing Your True Identity, and The True You.  Taking off the Mask is another one I love.  We put on the mask of arrogance or the mask of insecurity or the mask of rage.  God wants to unveil us to fully be exactly who He designed us to be.  

I love to do Christmas messages.  I have a wonderful set of Christmas ornaments my mother hand made for me that are stunningly beautiful.  Every one is different, and she gave me one a year to signify and celebrate an event that happened that year in my life.  They are my greatest treasure.  I love to show the ornaments and say that we have a God who knows us more intimately than my mother knew me.  I love to do messages about the workplace, about women with principles of success in life.  And Love; I do a whole series based on the Wonder of His Love book. 

MTOTV:  What are your latest projects?

NS:  I shot a project last year called Faith, Hope, and Love.  Robert Krantz was the writer, director, producer, and star.  It’s the most charming, romantic faith-based musical comedy.  Peta Murgatroyd is amazing.  It’s gonna roll out gradually in just a few markets, and then hopefully it’ll grow and grow. 

I just wrapped on a wonderful TV pilot called Eleanor’s Bench, starring Karen Abercrombie (from War Room) which is both poignant and funny – beautifully written and directed by Stephen Schultze, Chair of the Cinematic Arts Department at Liberty University.  I loved working with Liberty!  The students were all so engaged, with great attitudes and work ethic!  Fun to help encourage and work alongside the next generation of filmmakers!

I’m excited to have several film and TV projects I’m working hard to produce, and I just co-directed my first feature film, Damaged Goods, with amazing students and the great Film Department at Asbury University.

And then, I just finished a movie called First Lady.  It was written by, produced by, and directed by Nina May.  It’s an inspiring, uplifting romantic comedy fairy tale that we shot in Virginia.  And I get to play the First Lady of the United States.  Corbin Bernsen is opposite me. 

Keep a watch out for these projects, and keep up with Stafford through her Facebook page,  Twitter @nancy_stafford, official website (, and Instagram @nancystaffordca.