TVx3 E022: What’s the Name of That Actor I’d Like to See Back on TV?

Do you have a favorite actor you’d like to see back on your TV? Well, that’s what listener Sam wanted to know. So, we set out to discuss those actors we haven’t seen much of recently, but would like too.

We started things off with some news about Bones, Chopping Block, In the Motherhood, Monk and Hulu.

Then after discussing this week’s topic, we moved on to our primetime wrap-up, where we talked about the Battlestar Galactica series finale, the last couple episodes of Dollhouse, The Amazing Race, Chuck, Lost, Life, The Office, and Party Down.

Next time we’ll talk about ratings. If you’ve got thoughts on the subject or have a topic suggestion for us, give our listener line a call at 213-985-3176, leave a comment below, or email us.

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